Information from Sagbadaï
14th Apr 2019
Some information from Sagbadaï
Our friends from Sagbadai were very proud to put the sign on the community center. Activities are organized, a film projected to the children, a meeting of the members of SPESS Togo, and our students who received the second part of their bourse. Soon the computer classes will begin. The work also began for the sports ground and in the absence of a bulldozer it is the good will of the villagers who are advancing the project with their traditional tools!
Information from Sagbadaï
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Les nouvelles de notre primaire à Naworo
Nouveau Bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Inauguration bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Joy at the primary school visit.
Enzo's football.
Lybama High School
Football at Sagbadaî