
Back to school in Sagbadai

21st Jun 2021 school primary highschool

It's also back to school in Sagbadaï!
Obviously, everyone went back at the beginning of last week.
The little ones, even a little tired after their tiring daily journey to get to the building, are happy to return to the kindergarten for the third year of the new building, inaugurated …

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Historical opening of the primary school at Naworo

21st Jun 2021 primary school

Flash from Facebook

Historic return to school in Naworo!
Back to school took place for everyone on S…

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Project High School Lybama, Sokodé

21st Jun 2021 secondary sokodé school

Here is our new project for the high school Lycée Lybama in Sokodé.

High School à Lybama in Sokodé

21st Jun 2021 secondary sokodé school

A class destroyed by a storm at the secondary school of Lybama in Sokodé!! A future project for us to rebuild the class and maybe a bigger part of the school!!

The roof for Naworo

21st Jun 2021 primary school

Flash from Facebook

The roof of the new primary school at Naworo is advancing well.