High School Lybama at Sokodé
Lybée Lybama, the project is launched.
It is at this high school (LYcée BAMAbodolo) in Sokodé that the majority of middle school students from Sagbadaï (who have successfully completed the BEPC, and who can afford it) complete their secondary education and prepare for the bac.
600 students study there in conditions at the limit of the bearable for the majority of them, housed under hangars, in the dust and crowded (a class of 112 students!).
Lots of merit also for the teaching staff and the parents of students, who are fighting to improve the environment, without state assistance.
Over the last few days the sand has been delivered and the ground cementing works have started, thanks to the budget allocated by SPESS. A new start for this school, and good news for the students!
High School Lybama at Sokodé
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Nouveau Bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Inauguration bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Joy at the primary school visit.
Enzo's football.
Lybama High School
Football at Sagbadaî