Latest news from Togo

5th Apr 2020 sagbadai

Esther well the soap

lybama advances the new football ground

Togo in confinement, but life goes on (in slow motion) ...
One month already since our last article, and life has changed a lot, in France as in Togo!
Sanitary containment measures have been in place in Togo for a few days: needless to say that the lives of our Togolese friends, villagers of Sagbadaï or townspeople of Sokodé, are seriously disrupted. Not easy and even impossible to respect the rules of confinement and "social distancing" when it is imperative to move to work in the field or sell in the markets, to fetch water, to earn enough to eat.
Our entrepreneur friends on the spot are on the verge of financial asphyxiation, no more gatherings, bars and restaurants closed, schools, colleges and high schools closed, small trades at a standstill ...
Very few victims for the moment in Togo, but the psychosis rages, maintained by the lack of information or communication. We hope our friends are in good shape and wish them courage and patience.

While waiting for better days, attached some photos received recently:

  • Esther takes color again.
  • Construction of the walls of the Bamabodolo high school in progress
  • Success for the making of soap by the new Association of Sagbadai Women
  • First official football match on the new pitch!

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