
5th Dec 2016 dispensary sagbadai

Wednesday 23 D + 9: Malaria and Solidarity ...
In Togo, as in many African countries, malaria control is of prime importance in bringing down the infant mortality rate, one of the highest in the world, twenty times that of France (8 children out of 100 die before the age of 5 years ...).
In Sagbadaï, there is currently a seasonal prevention campaign for children under five (more than 800 in the perimeter of the dispensary!). There are villagers (ASCs, Community Health Agents), who cover a very large territory, to administer the products, and to try to eradicate this scourge, responsible for the death of many young children.
Note that the villagers in charge of this action are voluntary, like many social actors in this country. Solidarity...


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