News of Nadège
News from Nadège ...
Those who follow our Togolese adventures, may remember little Nadège, whom we had met in 2016, in a house opposite Taïrou, and who suffered from very severe malnutrition (barely more than 5 kilos at 15 months ...).
With a very sick and destitute mother, her future was very bleak. Our Association had taken charge of her hospitalisation at the CHR of Sokodé, from where she had left recovered after several weeks of care, before leaving with her mother to another village.
Nadège and her mother have been in Sagbadaï for a few days, and went to the photographer Taïrou for a souvenir photo. Everything is fine !
News of Nadège
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Les nouvelles de notre primaire à Naworo
Nouveau Bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Inauguration bâtiment Lycée Lybama
Joy at the primary school visit.
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Lybama High School
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