The New Farm of the anacardier trees

20th Nov 2016 cereal fruit

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The new farm


Friday 18 D + 4: History of cashew nuts ...
The visit of the farms of SPESS in Sagbadaï. Taïrou took us to visit the land we reserved to install a plantation of cashew nuts, trees well adapted to the tropical climate and producing cashew nuts, with an interesting yield. This option also has the advantage of allowing the cultivation "intermediate" between the trees, while waiting for their maturity of the fruits. This will be a second farm. The aim is in the near future to give work to the villagers and also make a profit which will be reinvested in the new projects of the village.
5 hectares were identified, two of which were "prepared" by villagers to plant 200 trees. Pending the production of nuts (4 to 5 years), the land can be used to grow corn or beans: a first production of 700 kg of beans confirms the economic importance of the project while providing paid work to the villagers. To be continued...

anacardiersharicots secs

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