Flagship project funded by SPESS for 2022, the construction of the new 2-class building for the Lybama high school in Sokodé (Bamabodolo district) has begun.
First step, making bricks (blocks) on the ground, with cement, sand and water. With a bag of cement of 50 kg, one manufactures 30 hol…
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A little news of two of our sponsored pupils. The photos are of Albert Amanna who is in the final year and Tchassanti Zenidine who is in the first year of the high school. They are both doing well but would never have been able to go to the high school at Sokodé without the sponsorship.
It's also back to school in Sagbadaï!
Obviously, everyone went back at the beginning of last week.
The little ones, even a little tired after their tiring daily journey to get to the building, are happy to return to the kindergarten for the third year of the new building, inaugurated …
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Lybama High School
This high school is located in a district north of Sokodé, near the Akamadé dispensary, and 2 kilometers from Bou…
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Lybée Lybama, the project is launched.
It is at this high school (LYcée BAMAbodolo) in Sokodé that the majority of middle school students from Sagbadaï (who have successfully completed the BEPC, and who can afford it) complete their secondary education and prepare for the bac.
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