
Back to school in Sagbadai

21st Jun 2021 school primary highschool

It's also back to school in Sagbadaï!
Obviously, everyone went back at the beginning of last week.
The little ones, even a little tired after their tiring daily journey to get to the building, are happy to return to the kindergarten for the third year of the new building, inaugurated …

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The roof for Naworo

21st Jun 2021 primary school

Flash from Facebook

The roof of the new primary school at Naworo is advancing well.

Primary School Naworo and Electricity for the Community Center

17th May 2021 primary school sagbadai

Our main project this year, Naworo Primary School, is progressing well, as you can see. The goal is for the building to be operational for the start of the September school year. The other good news is the connection of the community center to electricity. Of course, the village…

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Some news from Togo

20th Feb 2021 primary school

We now have a really nice long jump at the school.

The project for the new primary school in Naworo is also progressing well. The goal is to have the walls and roof erected for the start of the school year in September.

Primary School of Sagbadai

1st Dec 2020 primary school sagbadai

We are not with you at the end of the year, but as promised, we will be working in 2021 on the exterior renovation of the 2 main buildings of your school.
Thank you and congratulations to the teachers of the Sagbadaï primary school for your efforts for your 350 students. You know better tha…

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