
Letter of thanks from primary school Tchakpalade

12th Jun 2017 primary school

Some weeks ago, we informed you of the re-building, financed by SPESS, of two classrooms of the small primary school of Tchakpaladé, a few miles away from Sagbadaï.
We just received a kind letter of thanks from the Director of the school and from the chairman of the Village Development Comm…

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Primary School of Tchakpaladé

20th May 2017 primary school

We have just received a few photos and a word of thanks from the pupils of the primary school of Thakpaladé, situated a few miles away from Sagbadaï, and attended by children of nomads who have now settled there.
After the renovation of the roof in 2015, SPESS has provided a budget to build…

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A little news

2nd Mar 2017 school

Here are some newly arrived photos of our projects. The project initiated by Martine is moving ahead well. The vaccinated children receive the t-shirt from our association, which is a significant motivation for mothers. Another action, textbooks for the college of Bouzalou which was totally devoi…

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Classes 2016-2017

Wednesday 30 D + 16: Photos of classes 2016-2017
Tradition launched since the last school year, the class photo of the primary school and the college of Sagbadaï has become unavoidable, and it is with pleasure that we organized this event this morning.
Children and grandchildren, incl…

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A class of 98 pupils

8th Dec 2016 school sokodé highschool

A class of 98 high school students ...
Visit today Lybama High School in Sokodé, where one of Sagbadai's scholarship students is studying.
Three buildings, two of them with sheet metal roofs and walls of palm, accommodate more than 650 pupils in 10 classes, from the second to the fina…

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