
World Cup at Sagbadaï

Great agitation in Sagbadai because we invested in a satellite TV system at the community center so that people can watch the World Cup amongst other things! It's a dream they never thought they'd realize. One can easily imagine the excitement in Sagbadaï and in the neighboring v…

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Primary School Tabalo

19th Apr 2018 primary sagbadai children

New roof for the school of Tabalo ...
During our last stay in Togo last November, Taïrou took us to visit the small village of Tabalo, twenty kilometers from Sagbadai, in the middle of nowhere.
We found a school, lost in the middle of the forest, and met teachers and parents …

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Community Center finished

12th Apr 2018 community center sagbadai

Reception of the Community Center ...
The magnificent SPESS Community Center has been completed and has just been delivered! Thank you to the builder Tchaa and his team for the good work and the deadlines respected.
Congratulations to Taïrou and the office SPESS Togo …

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Ceiling of the Centre

9th Feb 2018 community center sagbadai

Plafond du Centre Communautaire en place...
Les trois pièces du Centre Communautaire (salle de réunion, bibliothèque et salle multimédia) sont maintenant équipées de leurs plafonds en bois contreplaqué.
Un plus pour éviter la poussière, faciliter l'entretien et améliorer l'es…

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Day of vaccinations at Sagbadaï

15th Dec 2017 dispensary sagbadai

Day of vaccinations in Sagbadai ...
Big day of consultations and vaccinations for babies in Sagbadaï.More than 75 mothers with their babies attended the clinic at the same time, and the entire staff, assisted by the Community Health Assistants and Martine, were just sufficient to organize t…

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