
New Roof for the Primary School

9th Apr 2016 primary school sagbadai

Good news No 1: the roof of a building of the primary school has been redone since we left! Schoolchildren and their teachers will be able to face the rainy season with confidence ...

Education Projects 2016

18th Mar 2016 primary school sagbadai

Education projects for 2016...
A working meeting took place at the collège, with the Chef, President Taïrou, the members of the Spess bureau, the directors and teachers of the primary and secondary schools, the representatives of the parents. Objective : to validate the 2016 projects, in li…

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Martine. Vaccination for the babies

Since our arrival, I have had the opportunity to participate in the vaccination of babies at the clinic of AKAMADE and also the clinic of SAGBADAI.

Lá vaccination of children is free in TOGO and key vaccines are completed when the child is 9 months.

Unfortunately, to get the mothers…

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Open day at the dispensary of Akamade

5th Mar 2016 dispensary sagbadai

A very busy day for Martine at the open day at the dispensary of Akamade. The patients were invited to come to the dispensary for a free medical consultation.

Education, Primary and Secondary

6th Apr 2015 secondary school sagbadai

One of the great satisfactions, is the new secondary school, built in record time last year and opened in June and is now fully operational. With four classes, since September, more than 80 college students, twice last year, are now accommodated in a new building instead of huts made of wooden po…

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