We have just delivered 24 new desks to the secondary school at Sagbadai. Due to the increase in students there were not enough places for all the students to be comfortably installed pupils. It was only a few years ago that there were only 50 pupils in delapidated building. Times have changed tha…
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Lybama High School, it was time!
The construction of the new 2-class building for the Lybama high school had started at top speed at the beginning of April after the bricks were made. In May, the walls were already up and the goal of finishing the work by the end of June was still achievabl…
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Back to school in Togo...
Togolese students, middle and high school students resumed classes on Monday of this week, after a long period of vacation.
Good luck and good recovery to all, teachers, students and parents: we know how difficult the teaching conditions are, after 2 years of…
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One of the big problems in countries like Togo is making sure that the young children get a certain type of food with added vitamins. Many of the children are under nourished and thus open to catch one of the many diseases that circulate in Africa.
We have now an association of women that h…
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We are progressing well with the new highschool building for Sokodé. The basic structure is now finished and the additional work is now in progress. For example the blackboards are being installed and the front porch is being finalised. We are still well on time for the opening of the new buildin…
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