Day of vaccinations in Sagbadai ...
Big day of consultations and vaccinations for babies in Sagbadaï.More than 75 mothers with their babies attended the clinic at the same time, and the entire staff, assisted by the Community Health Assistants and Martine, were just sufficient to organize t…
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Sister Mireille Logovi, 25 years of service to others ...
We met at the beginning of last year with Sister Mireille, midwife in charge of the dispensary of Akamadé, a district of Sokodé. We again met Mireille with great pleasure this year: we gave her some medicines from SPESS, baby and chi…
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Tuesday 29 D + 15: A Sister with high expectations!!
We took the decision two years ago to extend the actions of SPESS outside of the village of Sagbadaï.
During our travels last March, we met Sister Mireille at the dispensary of Akamade, a few kilometers from our hotel. A dispensary …
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Wednesday 23 D + 9: Malaria and Solidarity ...
In Togo, as in many African countries, malaria control is of prime importance in bringing down the infant mortality rate, one of the highest in the world, twenty times that of France (8 children out of 100 die before the age of 5 years ...).